Category:Blackboard - FacultyFAQ
What is the best way to access Blackboard?
Open a web browser and enter this address: Enter your username and password. This will be the same information you use to access WPConnect or email. If you don't know your username and/or password please file a ticket with the WPUNJ IT Help Desk:
What is the best way to obtain assistance or ask a question?
The best, one-stop resource to file a ticket with the WPUNJ IT Help Desk. Your ticket will be routed to the appropriate support team and you will likely receive a response very quickly. Please remember to include all the details, such as a the course number with which you need assistance. If a student writes you with a Blackbiard problem s/he is experiencing please have that student contact us directly.
Where can I find support material?
A good first step is the WPUNJ IT Wiki. As of this writing the wiki is a new resource and material is being added at a rapid rate
How can I arrange for Bb training?
You can contact the IRT deparment administrator Denise Giummarra: - 973.720.2659 Or file a ticket with the WPUNJ IT Help Desk:
Can I use Blackboard with a Macintosh computer?
YES! However the Safari web browser is not compatible. Please use one of the free alternatives: Chrome: Firefox:
How can I save a copy of my course?
a. In the Control Panel select Packages and Utilities b. Click the Export/Archive Course link c. Select Export Package d. In the Select Course Materials area click the boxes associated with all the content you want to save e. Click Submit. In a few minutes you'll get an email confirmation that the package is ready f. Perform steps a. and b., and now you'll find a link to the package you've created. g. Place the cursor over the link, left-click and choose Save Link As, and save the zipped folder to your computer.
Click here to see a short video illustrating the process.
Course Shells
When are shells created for a coming semester?
The Blackboard support team creates all course shells and associates faculty with their respective shells. For any number of reasons some faculy may not see their course shells; if this is the case please file a ticket with the WPUNJ IT Help Desk.
Approximate times of shell creation: Fall semester: late June Winter session: mid-November Spring semester: early December Summer session: mid-March
When/how are students added to Blackboard shells?
Students are, and always have been, added on the first day of the semester. From that day through the end of the add/drop period the student enrollment database is refreshed three times daily. In the near future we hope to implement a system by which student enrollments are processed in (nearly) real time. When that happens the text on this document will change to reflect the new system.
Can I contact my students before the beginning of the semester?
Yes! Click here to see the { instructions for emailing students before they are added to Blackboard] course shells.
How do I make make my course available to students?
a. In the Control Panel of the course shell select Customization b. From the menu click on Properties c. In area three, Set Availability, select the button associated with Yes d. Press the Submit button to process the command
Click here for a PDF document illustrating the process.
Why do I need to make my course available to students?
Students only see courses which have been activated, that is, which are being used by the instructor. If all courses were automatically available students would be confused about which shells should and should not contain content.
When is the best time to make my course avaialable to students?
The first day of the semester.
What should I do if I don't see my course shell listed?
Please file a ticket with the WPUNJ IT Help Desk
How do I hide old course shells?
Are old course shells cluttering up your Blackboard courses module?
- Select the Action Link in the upper right corner of the courses module. You won't see it until you place your cursor in the general vicinity.
- In the ensuing interface unclick the boxes associated with the couurses you don't want to see. You are not deleting the courses, and the process can be reversed.
- Click the Submit button to process the command
Click here for a PDF document illustrating the process.
Transfer Course Content
How do I ask the Blackboard support staff to transfer course content from an old semester to a new semester?
Please fill out the Course Content Transfer form.
Why do we have to fill out a form?
Because forms are, for better or worse, the most efficient, economical and precise means of transmitting the information we need to give you want you need.
What is the best time for me to request a course content transfer?
As early as you possibly can. As soon as you see your course shell has been mounted you can make the request. Conversly, some times are not as propitious; the weekend immediately prior to the beginning of a semester and the first week of a semester are problematic, as these are our busiest periods. Clearly some people have just been given a course and they have no choice but to ask for a course transfer, but if you've known since November that you'll need content transferred and wait until Tuesday of the first week, well, we'd ask that you not do so! Your help in this area gives us the time we need to do the many chores that accompany the beginning of the semester.
Can I request a transfer of material that is not currently on Bb (archived courses)?
Just fill out the form above and make sure you let us know the year semester, department, course number and section of the archived course. We cannot search the archives by instructor name, course subject or department, etc. All we have to go on are the course credentials, as in: 200910-bio1010-61, or Spring 2009, Bio 1010-61.
How can I empower myself to transfer content on my own schedule without involving a third party?
Merge Course Shells
What is a course merge?
Students are diverted from a child course shell or shells to a single parent shell. The child shells will continue to exist but remain inactive; all students see the parent shell.
What courses are automatically eligible for course merges?
Course merging is designed to redress the problems caused when a faculty member is teaching a cross-listed or multi-section course. Rather than teaching Bio10101-01, Bio1010-02 and Bio1010-61 as seperate entities an instructor can take advantage of the merge feature. The same logic does not apply to courses that share similar subject matter but are not otherwise associated.
Do I have any options if my sections are not automatically eligible?
Appeals can be made to the office of the Registrar. The Bb support staff can not do a thing wihout receiving permission from the office of the Registrar, no exceptions.
How do I request a course merge?
Please Fill out and submit this form.
What is the best time to request a course shell merge?
As soon as possible. The process is not a simple one and is difficult to process in the first week of school. Clearly some people have no choice but to wait for the busiest week of our semester, but most know far ahead of time that they need at least some of their courses merged, so any time after the course shells are created is and before the first week of the semester is a good time to make your request.
What is the worst time to request a course shell merge?
The first week of the semester!
Details, details!
Please use the WPUNJ IT Wiki (Bb: Faculty) to find information on
Building your course shell
Using the Content Collection
Administering Assessments
Using the Grade Center