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==Information Source==
==Information Source==
The Human Resources Data Base Employee Classification (PEAEMPL e-class) is the source of the information for automatically generated lists. For some lists, additional Banner information is used.
The Human Resources Workday data is the source of the information for automatically generated lists. For some lists, additional Banner information is used.

==Automatically Updating Lists==
==Automatically Updating Lists==
The below lists are updated daily by an automated process.
These email distribution lists are updated daily, each morning, by an automated process.
Sending access to these lists may be restricted to only certain approved senders. If you require access to send to one of the restricted lists, please enter a Helpdesk request (at www.wpunj.edu/helpdesk) for your request to be reviewed.

* '''All Users (UNV)''': Includes all email accounts existing on the Faculty/Staff/Employee email system. Sending access restricted to only certain approved senders.
<!--* '''All Users (UNV)''': Includes all email accounts existing on the Faculty/Staff/Employee email system.

* '''All Users (STU)''': Includes all email accounts existing on the student email system (including existing accounts for prior/non-enrolled students.) Sending access restricted to only certain approved senders.
* '''All Users (STU)''': Includes all email accounts existing on the student email system (including existing accounts for prior/non-enrolled students.)-->

* '''All Employees''': Includes all employee email accounts existing in the email system (not including non-employee and generic accounts.) Sending access restricted to only certain approved senders.
* '''All Employees''': Includes all employee email accounts existing in the email system (not including non-employee and generic accounts.)

* '''All Students''': Includes all student email accounts existing in the email system. Sending access restricted to only certain approved senders.
* '''All Students''': Includes all student email accounts existing in the email system.

<!--* '''All Active Employees''': Includes email accounts for any currently active employee (based on HR employment status.) Sending access restricted to only certain approved senders. -->
* '''All Active Employees''': Includes email accounts for any currently active employee (based on HR employment status) excluding student employees and graduate assistants.
* '''All Enrolled Students''': Includes all email accounts for students, including enrolled employees, currently enrolled with greater than 0 credits in the current (or next active) semester.

* '''All Enrolled Main''': Includes all email accounts for Main campus students, including enrolled employees, currently enrolled with greater than 0 credits in the current (or next active) semester.
* '''All Enrolled Students''': Includes all email accounts for students, including enrolled employees, currently enrolled with greater than 0 credits in the current (or next, if starting within 7 days) semester.  

* '''All Enrolled WPOnline''': Includes all email accounts for WPOnline students, including enrolled employees, currently enrolled with greater than 0 credits in the current (or next active) semester.
* '''All Enrolled Main''': Includes all email accounts for Main campus students, including enrolled employees, currently enrolled with greater than 0 credits in the current (or next, if starting within 7 days) semester.

* '''FAC/PROF/LIB/Staff (Faculty/Professional Staff/Librarians)''': Includes Faculty, Professional Staff and Librarians - E-Classes 01-04, 09-10 (10/12 month Faculty); 13-20 (Librarians, AFT Non-Teaching Professionals)
* '''All Enrolled WPOnline''': Includes all email accounts for WPOnline students, including enrolled employees, currently enrolled with greater than 0 credits in the current (or next, if starting within 7 days) semester.

* '''Academic Affairs Division''': Includes all email accounts for full-time and part-time employees/faculty in the Academic Affairs division.
* '''FAC/PROF/LIB/Staff (Faculty/Professional Staff/Librarians)''': Includes full-time and part-time Faculty, Professional Staff and Librarians (as designated by Workday HR)
* '''Academic Affairs Division''': Includes all email accounts for full-time and part-time employees/faculty (excluding adjunct faculty) in the Academic Affairs division (as designated in Workday).

* '''ACADEMIC CHAIRS''': Includes email accounts for Academic Chairs based on the Department Configuration Table in the FLM Module (maintained by the Provost's Office).
* '''ACADEMIC CHAIRS''': Includes email accounts for Academic Chairs based on the Department Configuration Table in the FLM Module (maintained by the Provost's Office).

* '''Adjuncts''': Includes all adjunct faculty (as designated in Workday) plus any staff member who has an active course assignment as an instructor
* '''Adjuncts''': Includes all adjunct faculty (as designated in Workday HR) plus any staff member who has an active course assignment as an instructor

* '''Classified''': Includes all Classified staff - E-Classes 21-34 (CWA), 40-45 (IFPTE), 54-59 (FOP & PBA)
* '''Classified''': Includes all Classified staff (as designated in Workday HR) - CWA, IFPTE, FOP & PBA

* '''FACULTY''': Includes 10-month, 12-month, and part-time faculty and librarians (as designated in Workday HR)
* '''FACULTY''': Includes 10-month, 12-month, and part-time faculty and librarians (as designated in Workday HR)

* '''FACULTY-Emeritus''': Includes all emeritus faculty (as designated with Emeritus indicator both in Banner HR and Workday) who still have WPUNJ email accounts
* '''FACULTY-Emeritus''': Includes all emeritus faculty (as designated with Emeritus indicator both in Banner HR and Workday HR) who still have WPUNJ email accounts

<!--* '''FACULTY-Emeritus and Retired''': Includes all emeritus and retired/inactive faculty who still have WPUNJ email accounts
<!--* '''FACULTY-Emeritus and Retired''': Includes all emeritus and retired/inactive faculty who still have WPUNJ email accounts
02-21-24 BF note: Hidden from Outlook Address Book as it's difficult to replicate in AD or Workday with Workday changes-->
02-21-24 BF note: Hidden from Outlook Address Book as it's difficult to replicate in AD or Workday with Workday changes-->
* '''HIGHER ED MANAGERS''': Includes all Higher Education Managers and Confidential Employees (as designated in Workday HR)
* '''HIGHER ED MANAGERS''': Includes all Higher Education Managers and Confidential Employees - E-Classes 60-63 (Confidential Emps), 64-67 (Higher Ed Managers)

* '''LIBRARY FACULTY''': Includes Librarians, including Dean of Library (as designated in Workday HR)
* '''LIBRARY FACULTY''': Includes Librarians, including Dean of Library (as designated in Workday HR)
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* '''Professional Staff''': Includes AFT Professional Staff (as designated by Workday HR)
* '''Professional Staff''': Includes AFT Professional Staff (as designated by Workday HR)

* '''Professional Staff and Librarians''': Includes Professional Staff and Librarians - E-Classes 13-20 (Librarians, AFT Non-Teaching Professionals)
* '''Professional Staff and Librarians''': Includes AFT Professional Staff and Librarians (as designated by Workday HR)

* '''CAHSSFTFaculty''': Includes all full-time and half-time faculty in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (as designated in Workday HR) excludes adjuncts, project employees, and stipend employees
* '''CAHSSFTFaculty''': Includes all full-time and half-time faculty in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (as designated in Workday HR) excludes adjuncts, project employees, and stipend employees

Latest revision as of 14:38, 13 September 2024

This article defines the scopes of William Paterson University's email distribution lists. This is an evolving document, and will be expounded upon over time.

Information Source

The Human Resources Workday data is the source of the information for automatically generated lists. For some lists, additional Banner information is used.

Automatically Updating Lists

These email distribution lists are updated daily, each morning, by an automated process. Sending access to these lists may be restricted to only certain approved senders. If you require access to send to one of the restricted lists, please enter a Helpdesk request (at www.wpunj.edu/helpdesk) for your request to be reviewed.

  • All Employees: Includes all employee email accounts existing in the email system (not including non-employee and generic accounts.)
  • All Students: Includes all student email accounts existing in the email system.
  • All Active Employees: Includes email accounts for any currently active employee (based on HR employment status) excluding student employees and graduate assistants.
  • All Enrolled Students: Includes all email accounts for students, including enrolled employees, currently enrolled with greater than 0 credits in the current (or next, if starting within 7 days) semester.
  • All Enrolled Main: Includes all email accounts for Main campus students, including enrolled employees, currently enrolled with greater than 0 credits in the current (or next, if starting within 7 days) semester.
  • All Enrolled WPOnline: Includes all email accounts for WPOnline students, including enrolled employees, currently enrolled with greater than 0 credits in the current (or next, if starting within 7 days) semester.
  • FAC/PROF/LIB/Staff (Faculty/Professional Staff/Librarians): Includes full-time and part-time Faculty, Professional Staff and Librarians (as designated by Workday HR)
  • Academic Affairs Division: Includes all email accounts for full-time and part-time employees/faculty (excluding adjunct faculty) in the Academic Affairs division (as designated in Workday).
  • ACADEMIC CHAIRS: Includes email accounts for Academic Chairs based on the Department Configuration Table in the FLM Module (maintained by the Provost's Office).
  • Adjuncts: Includes all adjunct faculty (as designated in Workday HR) plus any staff member who has an active course assignment as an instructor
  • Classified: Includes all Classified staff (as designated in Workday HR) - CWA, IFPTE, FOP & PBA
  • FACULTY: Includes 10-month, 12-month, and part-time faculty and librarians (as designated in Workday HR)
  • FACULTY-Emeritus: Includes all emeritus faculty (as designated with Emeritus indicator both in Banner HR and Workday HR) who still have WPUNJ email accounts
  • HIGHER ED MANAGERS: Includes all Higher Education Managers and Confidential Employees (as designated in Workday HR)
  • LIBRARY FACULTY: Includes Librarians, including Dean of Library (as designated in Workday HR)
  • Professional Staff: Includes AFT Professional Staff (as designated by Workday HR)
  • Professional Staff and Librarians: Includes AFT Professional Staff and Librarians (as designated by Workday HR)
  • CAHSSFTFaculty: Includes all full-time and half-time faculty in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (as designated in Workday HR) excludes adjuncts, project employees, and stipend employees
  • CAHSSStaff: Includes all full-time and part-time staff in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (as designated in Workday HR)- excludes project employees and stipend employees
  • CAHSSAdjunctFaculty: Includes all adjunct faculty in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (as designated in Workday HR)
  • COB: Includes all full-time and part-time faculty and employees in the College of Business (as designated in Workday HR) - excludes adjuncts, project employees, and stipend employees
  • COE: Includes all full-time and part-time faculty and employees in the College of Education (as designated in Workday HR) - excludes adjuncts, project employees, and stipend employees
  • COSH: Includes all full-time and part-time faculty and employees in the College of Science and Health (as designated in Workday HR) - excludes adjuncts, project employees, and stipend employees

Manually Maintained Lists

The below lists are individually maintained by the department indicated:

Academic Affairs -- Provost Office

AcademicDeansandAssocDeans -- Provost Office

Acct & Laws Adjuncts -- Accounting & Law

acct&law -- Accounting & Law

Ace-Net -- Information Technology

Administration -- Maintenance PPO

Anthro Adjuncts -- Anthropology

Anthro FT Faculty -- Anthropology

biofaculty -- Biology

biostaff -- Biology

Career Development -- Career Development

Classified -- Human Resources

COB -- College of Business

COB-Council -- College of Business

CODS-Clinic -- Communication Disorders

CODS-Std -- Communication Disorders

COE Adjuncts -- College of Education

COE College Council -- College of Education

COE Deans Office -- College of Education

COE Faculty & Professional Staff -- College of Education

COE Guest Roster -- College of Education

COE Liaisons -- College of Education

COE NJQR -- College of Education

COE PIRs -- College of Education

COE Prof Staff -- College of Education

COE Support Staff -- College of Education

CollegeHallStaff -- Information Technology

CRP -- Information Technology

Directors Council -- Provost Office

Directors & Supervisors -- Human Resources

Econ & Finance Adjuncts -- Economics & Finance

Econ&Finance -- Economics & Finance

EmeritusFaculty -- Biology

ENS-Network -- Information Technology Enterprise Network and System Services

ENSS -- Information Technology Enterprise Network and System Services

Ens-Systems -- Information Technology Enterprise System Services

First Year English -- English

FLM-users -- Provost Office

FSPAdeansSecys -- Institutional Research

FSPAusers -- Institutional Research

GradProgamDir -- Provost Office

HighEdMngrs -- Human Resources

HobartManor -- Advancement

LabSpecs -- Information Technology

Librarycouncil -- Library

LibraryFaculty -- Library

LibraryBuilding -- Library

LibraryClassifiedStaff -- Library

MaintSupervisors -- Maintenance PPO

MaintCustodial -- Maintenance PPO

MaintShops -- Maintenance PPO

Mkt&Mgt Adjuncts -- Marketing & Management

Mkt&Mgmnt -- Marketing & Management

Programmers -- Information Technology

ProvostCouncil -- Provost Office

Renewals -- Library

SDEM-Directors -- Student Development

SDEM-Division -- Student Development

Sociology -- Sociology

SociologyAdjuncts -- Sociology

StudyRooms -- Library

SupportSpecials -- Information Technology

SYSprogs -- Information Technology

UserServices -- Information Technology